And, hey brides? I definitely recommend doing some pictures at the temple before your wedding day. Cuz, I mean, if your day is anything like mine you just wanna enjoy it. Is that a crime? So take a bite out of your pics before your day and have more time to reeeelaax. Sweet plan.
And my favorite shot from the day:
What’s that? You are gonna wear a white dress and you need some photos for the occasion? Lucky, lucky you. Cause I do that kind of stuff. Email me at brookebee @ gmail .com.
Brooke, your photos are fantastic. I wish I could marry Bryce again and have you as photographer! I loved my photographers, but I really enjoy your style. It's classic and creative all in one. I will definitely keep my eyes open for brides. In fact, I'm going to send you blog to my sister who just got engaged.